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Indigenous woman in orange dress.


by providing training and technical assistance to professionals responding to sexual assault of American Indian and Alaska Native people.

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American Indian and Alaska Native women suffer from sexual assault at much higher rates than any other population of women in the United States. (Rosay, 2016)


Indigenous Sexual Assault & Abuse Clearinghouse (ISAAC)

is a national clearinghouse that provides training and technical assistance on issues relating to sexual assault of American Indian and Alaska Native people. It was developed to provide training and technical assistance for medical providers, victim advocates, community and criminal justice responders working with indigenous peoples within tribal communities or communities that serve tribal populations.


​ISAAC is a partnership between the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN), the Alaska Native Women's Resource Center (AKNWRC), and Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault (ANDVSA).

ISAAC does not provide crisis services.


Rosay, André B. (2016). Violence against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men: 2010 Findings from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. National Institute of Justice Research Report. NCJ 249736. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. Retrieved from   

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